In astrology a glyph is a symbol that is used to represent a celestial body or some other point in an astrological chart or diagram.
So, for example, in a birth chart, instead of writing the word “Venus” in order to denote where that planet is located in the chart, instead astrologers will usually use the following glyph or symbol to represent Venus: ♀
Here are some of the other glyphs that are commonly used by astrologers:
Glyphs for the Signs of the Zodiac
♈ – Aries
♉ – Taurus
♊ – Gemini
♋ – Cancer
♌ – Leo
♍ – Virgo
♎ – Libra
♏ – Scorpio
♐ – Sagittarius
♑ – Capricorn
♒ – Aquarius
♓ – Pisces
Glyphs for the Planets
☉ – Sun
☽ – Moon
☿ – Mercury
♀ – Venus
♂ – Mars
♃ – Jupiter
♄ – Saturn
♅ – Uranus (There are two different glyphs for Uranus, and this character may not display properly.)
♆ – Neptune
♇ – Pluto (Astrologers usually use a different glyphs for Pluto that is not available in unicode fonts.)
☊ – North Node
☋ – South Node
⊗ – Part or Lot of Fortune