A stellium is defined as a group of several planets in a single sign of the zodiac or a single house. In the example to the right the native has a stellium of four planets in Leo, consisting of Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn. This cluster of planets leads to an emphasis on that particular […]
Aspect Pattern
An aspect pattern is an arrangement of several planets in a chart so that they form a specific pattern or formation. It usually involves multiple planets that are closely configured by specific aspects, which results in a large geometrical shape that stands out when looking at the chart. In modern western astrology some common aspect […]
This page provides a complete index of every word that is currently defined in The Astrology Dictionary. A accidental dignity angle angular aquarius aries Ascendant aspect aspect pattern astro*carto*graphy astrologer astrology aversion B benefic bicorporeal signs birth chart branches of astrology C cadent cancer capricorn cardinal signs cazimi ceres chariot chart chiron chronocrator composite chart […]
Definitions of astrological terms or concepts that begin with the letter S. sade sati sagittarius saturn return scorpio secondary progressions sect sect light shadow period solar return solar return chart star of bethlehem stellium Sun-sign synastry synchronicity